Uhl, E., Pretzsch, H. (2015):
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Ziesack, M., Strydom, S. (2014): Linking of CAN-Bus machine data to forest operation, Description of a software add-on. A Technical note. Precision Forestry Symposium 2014, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Phiri D, Ackerman P, Wessels B, du Toit B, Johansson M, Säll H, Lundqvist SO, Seifert T (2015): Biomass equations for selected drought-tolerant eucalypts in South Africa. Southern Forests. DOI: 10.2989/20702620.2015.1055542.
Wessels, CB., Malan, FS., Seifert, T., Louw JH, Rypstra, T. (2015): The prediction of the flexural lumber properties from standing South African grown Pinus patula trees. European Journal of Forest Research, 134(1):1-18
Pierobon, F., Zanetti, M., Grigolato, S., Sgarbossa, A., Anfodillo, T., Cavalli, R. (2015):
Life cycle environmental impact of firewood production - A case study in Italy. Applied Energy, 150: 185-195
→ view abstract
Pretzsch, H., Biber, P., Schütze, G., Uhl, E., Rötzer, Th., (2014):
Forest stand growth dynamics in Central Europe have accelerated since 1870.
Nat. Commun. 5:4967 doi:10.1038/ncomms5967
→ view abstract
Seifert, T., Seifert, S., Seydack, A., Durheim, G., von Gadow, K. (2014): Competition Effects in an Afrotemperate Forest. Forest Ecosystems, 1:13.
→ view abstract
Pretzsch, H., Biber, P., Uhl, E., Hense, P., (2012):
Coarse root–shoot allometry of Pinus radiata modified by site conditions in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Southern Forests, 74(4): 237–247
→ view abstract
Scattolin L., Marcolin M., (2014): Ectomycorrhizal community associated to Pinus radiata D. Don
plantations in the Western Cape, South Africa: preliminary results. 6th Forest Science Symposium
“Research to support a transformed, sustainable and competitive Southern African forest sector”
(Hilton College, Hilton SA, 29-30 July 2014). Abstract book, poster session.
Bretting D., Seifert T., Pretzsch H., (2014): Response of stem and root growth of Pinus radiata on
environmental conditions in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology (TRACE 2014), 6-10 May 2014, Aviemore, Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom. Oral presentation.
Seifert, T. (2013): “Climatic influence on partitioning and competition of trees - an African
perspective. Invited keynote at the IUFRO Workshop on “Vegetation Response to Climate Change
and Air Pollution – Unifying Evidence and Research across Northern and Southern Hemisphere”,
IUFRO, WPs 7.01.00 & 7.01.02, Ilheus, Brazil, 1-5 August 2013